
These stories can be found in Eye-Popping Oddities, Now On Sale!

Cuddle Clones!

If you ever wanted to ramp up the cuddle factor of your pooch, look no further than Cuddle Clones. Cuddle Clones turns your real life furry friend into a life-sized plush replica.

Send in photos for your four-legged friend, and 8-10 weeks later Rover’s double will be greeting you at your doorstep. This stuffed version of your best friend will set you back about $250.



Believe it or not, these are not ants on the wings of this fly, but extravagant markings. It is thought the ant markings confuses the fly’s predators.


Goldfish Brain Surgery

George, a ten-year-old goldfish had emergency surgery to remove a tumor from his head. The good news is George is now expected to live another 20 years!

The surgery lasted 45 minutes. George was fully sedated and was made comfortable with pain killers. READ MORE!


Tightrope Terrier

Five-year-old Bella can tightrope walk up to 6 ft. The family plans to construct a 30-ft-long tightrope so she can practice longer walks.

Bella can also scooter and skateboard.


Stomach Socks!

This Great Dane’s family was astonished to discover he has SWALLOWED 43 SOCKS! The owners knew he liked chewing socks, but didn’t know he was eating them too!

The vet was able to operate and this pup made a full recovery.



These stories can be found in Eye-Popping Oddities, Now On Sale!