Episode 3

Last week Ripley’s got spiritual by unboxing Toast Art of Yeezus and Nicki Minaj by Texas artist Alfonso Osoria! This week we look at a new twist on an old practice, Episode 3 is sure to leave you stuffed with information and well preserved for future episodes!

Today: Weird Balloon Animals – Inflated Taxidermy

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Believe it or not

Taxidermy began in England in the early 19th century, but the man behind these inflated pieces, Szollosi Geza, considers himself an artist, not a taxidermist.

Geza uses the skins of dead animals and taxidermist’s sewing techniques to get his whimsical final product!

About Taxidermy

Ever thought about the process involved in Taidermy? We can tell you how to do it, but be forewarned, the images that follow aren’t for the faint of heart!

The process starts with the animal being measured so the taxidermist can get the proportions exact.

Inflated Taxidermy

The animal is then skinned. Depending on the type of skin, it is then chemically treated with preservatives or tanned as needed.

Inflated Taxidermy

The skin is then mounted, sewn and details like glass eyes or whiskers are installed.

Inflated Taxidermy

Lastly, the finished product is often labeled. 

Inflated Taxidermy