As much weird as we could fit in 384 pages!

Our latest in the Curiosities Series, Completely Awesome, gives you the weirdest, coolest, and of course most awesome stories from around the world

With Thousands of stories to read!

More than just a picture book, with thousands of stories, it’ll be hard to stop reading!

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Exclusives that you won’t see anywhere else!

Featuring a man who gargles molten lead, shoes made from elephant dung, a pig that walks on two legs, and a real life invisibility cloak, Completely Awesome, will keep you turning the page!

tattooed ladies

Odd adventures on and off the water!

odd adventures on the water

So much fun, this book is the perfect gift for kids and adults alike!

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The oddest art projects!

The oddest art projects

Buy 'Totally Awesome" at Amazon.comBring home the awesome today!

Ripley Publishing, is an arm of Ripley Entertainment Inc., the owner of the internationally famous trademark Ripley’s Believe It or Not! as world authority on all that is unbelievable.

The company offers up its vast archives of the strange and unusual through books, ebooks, apps, television shows, tourist attractions, motion pictures, merchandise and the worldwide syndication of its daily newspaper cartoon.

Ripley researchers across the globe are busy each day digging deep into the world of the odd and bizarre to compile enough fresh an exciting material to fill the Believe It or Not! series of books published each year.