The Royals Were Not Regular People – And Neither Were Their Royal Demands

The term “royal treatment” comes from a long history of Kings and Queens making outlandish royal demands – and those demands being met. This week’s BION Brief showcases our favorite royally odd  requests, but here are a few extras that didn’t make it into the video.

Groom of the Stool

Known as “The Groom of the Stool” King Henry VIII’s most trusted of servants had the lovely job of cleaning the King’s toilet – and his behind!

King Henry VII, and the Groom of the Stool

Table For One?

King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845-1886) ate alone at a table set for imaginary guests. He believed that he dined with the ghosts of dead Kings and Queens.


Bearded Hostility

King François the First (1494 – 1547) made the crime of wearing whiskers punishable by death.

King François the First

Winning the Popular Vote

Liberian President Charles King was not a king, but he was a ruler, and his last name was King, so we are including him on our list.

In 1927, the Liberian President Charles King was accused of fraud after he was reelected as President by 230,000 votes. The only problem was the country had less than 15,000 registered voters.

He resigned in 1930.

Liberian President Charles King

Pop-Culture King

King Abdullah bin al-Hussein of Jordan appeared as an extra in Star Trek: Voyager in 1996. He said:

“I would have been thrilled just to visit the set, but this is too much”

King Abdullah bin al-Hussein of Jordan appeared as an extra in Star Trek: Voyager in 1996.

They didn’t call King Frederick “The Great” For Nothing

During famine in Prussia in the 18th century, King Frederick the Great threatened to cut off the nose of any citizens who would not eat potatoes. The people thought potatoes were poisonous.

He once visited a prison and asked the inmates what crimes they had committed. All said they were innocent except one …

King Frederick set the man who had confessed his guilt free on the grounds that he might corrupt the “innocent”!

King Frederick the Great