I’m the Dad that draws on sandwich bags…

That is how graphic designer and Dad-Extraordinaire, David Laferriere, thinks of himself.

Bag Monster

Bag Monster

For the last 4 years, David has been drawing on his kids’ lunch bags.  The result is an awesome photo montage of the coolest sharpie-drawn pics you have ever seen!

Coolest Dad Ever

David says the inspiration hit him randomly one morning while he was making his kids lunch. He saw the sharpie on the counter and he wondered if it would work on the sandwich bag.  It did and the rest is history!

Now 5 years later, he has over 1,100 bags and counting.

“It was a way to have fun with the kids and kick start my creative juices in the morning”

David uploads his daily masterpiece to the image sharing site, Flickr.  You can follow David’s lunchtime fun on his Flickr page, or his website, but in the meantime, check out a quick sampling of his work here!


