Pointillism: a style of painting in which a picture is formed from small dots of color

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Petra Study

Petra Study

Art with nails. Thousands of them.

Marcus Levine has become well known for his unique nail artwork using nails the same way that traditional pointillist uses dots of pigment to shape a larger picture but instead of brush strokes his art is made of many small nails. In fact, the works can contain thousands of nails.

Even more, his complex projects have in the past taken more than 30,000 individual hammered nails for complex human portraits.

Recent work

Recently, Levine has been working on artwork displaying artwork focusing on horses in both hammer and nail and other mediums. More specifically the now famous war horse from the first World War.



Abstract Steel

A lot of his other of his nail art is in abstract figures.

See More of His Work

Lately, Levine in exhibiting in Mykonos in Greece at the Rarity Gallery.

See more of his work on his personal website, YouTube channel, and Twitter @Levine_Art!

More photos below!



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