
Metallic meals

How very posh

Deli Garage is a Hamburg based company that loves concocting new, exciting recipes.  One day while tinkering around in the kitchen they thought their food needed a bit more pizzazz.  Enter Food Finish!

Gilded Treats

Food Finish is food coloring in a spray can.  It turns any humdrum meal into fancy dinner! It comes in a range of sparkly fun colors:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Metallic Blue
  • Metallic Red

Metallic mealsGotta get it!

Unfortunately, Food Finish cannot be imported to the US.  Something to do with import laws, aerosol cans, and oh yea … PUBLIC SAFETY!

Actually, Deli Garage only cites import laws, but I have a sneaking suspicion that pesky FDA regulations might have something to do with it as well.

Edible food color spray paint

Edible spray paints