The 2016 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest presented by Cheap Chic Weddings and Charmin, an online company specializing in providing brides with fiscally savvy tips for a fabulous wedding, teamed up with Charmin for the sixth time to host the 12th Annual Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest. We here at Ripley’s couldn’t be more excited to be sponsoring such a creative event!

The contest began on March 7, 2016, with submissions coming in from all over the country.

The rules for the contest were simple:

  • Contestants had to use Charmin brand toilet paper
  • They were allowed to use any type of tape and/or any type of glue
  • They could also use needle and thread
  • The dress must be able to be worn by a human and be able to be taken on and off

Announcement of the Top 10

Submissions closed on May 15, 2016, and now the Top Ten finalists have been announced! We’ll show you the top ten looks here, and then you can head over to the Contest Website and cast your vote to determine the fan favorite. You can vote for as many dresses as you like, but only once per dress per day. So if you really want your voice to be heard, be sure to go back each day and cast your vote for your favorites.

The finale runway event is on June 16 in Haven Rooftop at the Sanctuary Hotel at 9:20 am. Hank Freid, the owner of the Sanctuary Hotel, will be a judge for the competition. For the first time in the contest’s history, the finale will be broadcast via Livestream, so you can be a part of the show even if you can’t make it out to attend in person. 

All of the top ten contestants will be in attendance. Ripley’s very own Edward Meyer will be there helping to judge the competition, and the celebrity guest judge will be Lifestyle Expert and Planner to the Stars Mikie Russo. The grand prize winner will receive $10,000! The second place finalist will receive $5,000, and third place will receive $2,500!

The Top 10 Finalists

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Augusto Manzanares of NY

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Donna Pope Vincler of Tennessee

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Frank Cazares of Texas

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Hannah Riley of Mississippi

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Judith Henry of Utah

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Luis Razo of Chicago

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Ronaldo Cruz of Virginia

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Susan Brennan of Michigan

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Susan Masarek Wilson of New Jersey

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Van Tran of Brooklyn, NY

Remember to head over to the website to vote for your favorites, and don’t forget to tune in on Jun 16, 2016, to find out who won!