Strange Bird

This year Ripley’s is counting down the 5 weirdest products we have seen relating to thanking and giving.  Hopefully we are not too late and you can score some of these for your family feast!

#5 Thanksgiving Gumballs

Can’t make it to Mom’s for the holidays?  Pop one of these in your mouth and instantly be transported to the Thanksgiving table, sans drunk Uncle Erine and your sister’s boyfriend du jour.

Thanksgiving Gumballs

Each tin of this limited edition treat contains all the classic flavors of Thanksgiving – turkey, cranberry and pumpkin pie!  And as their website says: Enthusiastically approved by pilgrims!

Gator stuffing

#4 Gator Stuffing

Herbert’s Specialty Meats takes the idea of the turducken and Cajunfies it!

Take one boneless turkey, add Cajun seasoning, then stuff it with Herbert’s special Alligator Dressing, and you got yourself a finger-licking dinner!

So just what is Alligator Dressing?  The recipe is on their site: onion, bell pepper. Cajun seasoning, tomato sauce, and of course, GATOR!!!

Thanksgiving, just as the pilgrims intended.

#3 Turkey Cake

Although this treat appears to be a delicious carrot cake, don’t let your eyes deceive you!

This cake is actually made with layers of sweet potatoes and turkey.  Add some mashed potato frosting and you have yourself a complete Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings.


Want the recipe? Click here.

#2 Jello Mold Turkey

Just Google “jello turkey”, and hundreds of images pop up.  Each year completions are held to honor the best in turkey jello molds.  Here are a few of my favs.


#1 Jones Tofurkey & Gravy Soda

This drink is more of a gag gift than anything you would actually want to drink, but each year Jones Soda comes out with a holiday pack sure to not make your mouth water.  The centerpiece of this year’s holiday pack?  Tofurkey & Gravy. Yum!!!
