22-year-old Brooke Collins had let her dachshund Fudge out one evening when a black bear snatched him up. Brooke reacted by running up to the bear and punching it in the face to make it drop her pup.

“It was all so fast. All I could think about was my dog was going to die,” said Collins.
“It was a stupid thing but I couldn’t help it,” she said. “I know you’re not supposed to do that but I didn’t want my dog to be killed.”

Collins said she didn’t see the bear outside when she let the dogs out around 7:30 p.m. Sunday. She said Fudge just darted out and the barking could be heard almost instantly. She said that barking was “the most horrible sound in the world.”

Collins said when she looked outside she saw a bear was crouching down with Fudge its paws and was biting the back of the dog’s neck.

“That bear was carrying her like a salmon,” she said.

She said she almost instinctively went up and did the first thing she thought of. She punched the bear’s face and scooped away her dog when it let go.

It all happened too fast to really think about but she had flashes of hearing about how some animals will back off from a punch to the nose, she said.

The dog suffered only minor injuries.

Source: Juneau Empire